Full Property Marketing & Management

We provide a comprehensive fully managed service, so that our owners can maximise their rental income, and leave the work to us. We manage all bookings, check-in and check-out, as well as the cleaning and turn around services, so that your clients have an excellent holiday.

We are passionate about our client’s holiday experience, and have clients that rent properties throughout the year, not just in the six weeks of summer. With Simply Holiday Rentals you get the most out of your property and enjoy a extensive rentals calendar with happy and repeat guests.

Delighted clients give great property reviews, and this is what attracts clients and distinguishes an average property rental from an outstanding one.

Our Service at a Glance:

  • Advertising Management
  • Booking Management
  • Check-in & Checkout
  • Client Management
  • Cleaning & Turn Around

Social Media Marketing

We understand that some owners want to take bookings via online rentals platforms themselves. However, there are so many more ways to attract clients, without paying high commissions on your rental income.

Marketing a rental property is all about understanding your clients, and engaging potential customers, especially on social media. The better you target your audience, and the better your content, the better your bookings will become.

Simply posting poor quality images of your property on social media just gives the appearance of a low-quality holiday experience for your client. Consequently, your property will never realise its full rental potential, and you will receive few or no quality bookings via these platforms.

Whether you are a single property owner, or the manager of several properties,
we provide a comprehensive range of social media marketing packages tailored to your personal preferences and budget. From social media management, to professional internal photography, drone stills and engaging social media video clips for your business, talk to the professionals.

Our Service at a Glance:

  • Social media account management and regular posting
  • Professional Photography & Videography
  • Drone Photography & Videography
  • Online video campaigns
  • Personalised and stock video clips